let him eat cake
one might wonder what good could possibly come out of performing at a dyke wedding other than the satisfaction of sharing in the joy of two gals joining their lives against all odds. well lucky me, one such gig a few years ago brought me one of these. and he has been giving me oxygen ever since.
this weekend, he marked a milestone birthday. this bday number would drape itself all the fuck over his to-do lists and life evaluations, like a lazy cat. it'd leap in a cartoon arch over his head and chomp through a day dream on the way. or dangle tauntingly from trees like the curtain-wearing kids in that classic film. you get the point. anyhoo, he convened a group here for some jackassry, then was toasted and feted by adoring friends over a feast of his favourite dishes - lovingly prepared by christine, gleefully devoured by us. and i think he got through it relatively well. i just hope he truly got it. my wish is that the love-in snuck some love IN to his heart. no one deserves it more.

ps: no apologies for the slits-for-eyes in this photo - oh so much red wine. so much...

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