big apples
my bags are packed, i'm ready to go. even though i just got here. the snow has barely melted from my shoes since arriving from regina and now i'm heading out again. funny how in my quest for my natural resting state, i stay restless. my swirling Emotions are keeping me IN motion, i guess. or maybe i'm a wide-eyed naive canuck for whom the lure of a glitzy new york party is too damn strong (clearly i've od-ed on too much sex and the city).
so claude and i are border hopping to crash an annual gathering of friends who convene in the new york area to auld lang syne one another. he'll likely make a love connection and I'll undoubtedly make an ass of myself at this event hosted by people i don't know featuring guests i don't know except for the ever-delicious adam and brian, the most recent gay boy bastard to make off with my heart. have i mentioned how glorious it was to finally catch up with adam and brian near the end of our cuba adventure? we spent 3 of our final 4 island days with them - had a terrific time swapping tales over cocktails, unpacking cuba, taunting aggressive atlantic waves. ask me sometime about the classy night that involved a bottle of this cuban smack, some cans of cola, a park bench, bonding, public peeing, police, an over-priced salsa club, and rebecca's mini-olympics in the playground with a gaggle of englishless children.
anways, adam's friend eric, the host of the party (mentioned part way down this screen), makes me proud to call myself anal: he's circulated to his ballooning guest list a six fucking page agenda featuring a day by day overview of projected activities, a useful heads-up - pardon the pun - about the water sports ("nudity in the hot tub is completely acceptable"), and critical what to bring suggestions.
so off we go to brooklyn to ring in the new year elsewhere, under the guise of being more spontaneous. it for sure has nothing to do with my recent penchant for procrastination and fiscal irresponsibility. aw fuck it, surely the root causes of my under-achieved adulthood will find their way into the new year's resolutions i'm sure to draft in the car tomorrow. and besides, big apples are healthy, no?